Kanodia Chauhan & Co. based in Mumbai, has been formed by Chartered Accountants who are having 30 Years experience. The firm has an excellent blend of experience and youth and its practice is managed by three partners, other professional staff and associate firms located in major parts of the country. We render professional services which include Audit, Direct Tax, International Tax, Fema, Service Tax, Corporate Services etc. |
For a successful professional firm, any assignment is a highly emotional experience. We respect that and handle each situation with utmost care, to ensure that the whole process of carrying out the assignment is handled in an extremely discreet, effective and speedy manner. We value every relationship with Our Clients (current, past or potential), whether it leads to immediate business gain or not. We sincerely believe that all Clients who approach us for advice must get our undivided attention and our quality time, even if there is no immediate business potential in it for us. |
Our approach towards the business differs from other firms as we work in close coordination with our clients. Our personalised service combined with high professional standards and technical expertise is well acknowledged by our clients. The size and internal orginazation of the firm enables our partners to respond quickly to client needs and take immediate steps in giving accurate and beneficial financial advice. |
Kanodia Chauhan & Co. lays special emphasis in creating an environment within the firm to meet specific requirement for the clients. For this, we believe that professionals should be well versed with the emerging financial concepts and the changing market trends. By attending seminars and conferences on regular basis and extensive in-house training, we impart relevant knowledge to all our professionals. We are a one-stop solution firm catering to multiple business requirements of our clients. |